Hersteller: Ammo
Artikelnummer: AMIG7400
Massstab: .

EAN: 8432074074007

ab Lager lieferbar
wird innerhalb 24 h versendet
10 Stück am Lager
CHF 12.-

Set Inhalt:
AMIG3005 Pigmente MEDIUM RUST (35 mL)
AMIG3006 Pigmente LIGHT RUST (35 mL)
AMIG3008 Pigmente TRACK RUST (35 mL)
The pigments set you need to give your kits the rusty look you want. It includes three tones; an orange pigment for fresh and recent rust (A.MIG LIGHT RUST-3006), a darker tone for older rust (A.MIG TRACK RUST-3008) and a medium toned rust color. (A.MIG -3005 MEDIUM RUST)

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